Submit Case Study
For every case study that is featured on our website, we'll pay you £20!
Simply use the form below to tell us about your story. We just require 2-3 images and as much information about your lighting project that you're willing to share.
As well as the £20 payment, which can be a refund off your order, store credit or an Amazon voucher. You'll also be entered into a yearly prize draw for the best case study of the year which gives you £200 in store credit. This will be voted for on social media every December.
Please go into as much detail as possible to maximise your chances of being featured on our website. Did you achieve everything you wanted to? Did you encounter any problems? You don't have to write an essay, we'll fill in the dots.
If you've not yet purchased and need some inspiration for your project, please get in contact with our sales team on:
Tel: 01706 521188 or email: [email protected] and we'll be happy to answer any questions and provide you with any pre-sales support.
You can view our previous case studies by clicking here.